
What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

August 9, 2021
Envisioning your future
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SMP Overview

Scalp micropigmentation, SMP and hair tattoo are all names for a cosmetic hair loss solution that replicates the look of natural hair follicles. The scalp micropigmentation industry is becoming more popular each year and it is no surprise. It is similar to a normal tattoo but we use different techniques and equipment so only a trained and certified artist can perform your treatment.

SMP is a long term solution for different kinds of hair loss and hair thinning. As impressions are quite shallow in the skin, in the dermis layer, your treatment will slowly fade over time so top-ups are available for whenever this is necessary.

The primary use of SMP is to create the look of purposely shaven hair rather than having hair loss. It can be used for a fully bald head, receding hairlines or a balding crown. It can also be used for longer thinning hair, patchy beards and hair transplant scars/alopecia.

This post is straight from the founder and SMP specialist himself, Georgio Pegasiou, giving you all you need to know about scalp micropigmentation.


What is Scalp micropigmentation? 

Scalp micropigmentation or SMP is a cosmetic hair tattoo which replicates the look of hair follicles. It is similar to a normal tattoo but we use different techniques and equipment so only a trained and certified artist can perform your treatment.

SMP is a long term solution for different kinds of hair loss and hair thinning. As impressions are quite shallow in the skin , in the dermis layer, your treatment will slowly fade over time so topups are available for when ever this is necessary.

The primary use of SMP is to create the look of purposely shaven hair rather than having hair loss whether it be genetic, due to conditions or even supplements. The treatment is often used for a fully bald head, receding hairlines or a balding crown. It can also be used for thinning hair, patchy beards and hair transplant scars/alopecia. We will be discussing this in more details in future articles.

What is Scalp micropigmentation

The benefits of scalp micropigmentation

There are many different solutions to hair loss such as hair transplants, weaves or wigs and many different supplements. None of these is proven or offer a permanent solution to your issue.

Non-invasive & cost effective

Hair transplants are extremely painful, invasive, expensive very often unsuccessful. The average healing time is 18 months with most people having to receive a second graph as the hair is still thin and didn't take in places, as well as leaving patchy hair and scarring on the back.

Hair regrowth formulas, tablets and medicines offer false hopes as there is no proven research that they actually work. False claims that they help hair grow lead people down a very expensive and unrewarding journey.

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive treatment that is 100% effective and reasonably priced - check out our guide for more information.

100% Guaranteed results

SMP is a guaranteed result. After 3-4 sessions you would have achieved the results that we set out to get. There is very low maintenance, a very fast healing period and is a lot cheaper than alternative treatments.

Get the look you want

Do you remember going into the barbershop and getting any style you wanted? But now you are limited to a style that you have to get to hide any balding, receding, thin patches or scar tissue?

Over my years as a barber, I have never seen a transplant that made me think “that is really good, I want one of those”. Clients after transplants always have to have a haircut that suits and aids the transplant rather than something they want. I have SMP clients that after a transplant, receive density SMP treatment in order to make their hair look thicker and fuller.

SMP allows you to get a style that makes you feel confident in your skin again by working closely with a specialist you can construct your new scalp. No scalp is the same, therefore we have a number of different styles for people of different ages and lifestyles giving the most natural appearance for you.

Scalp micropigmentation treatment (what to expect)

Scalp micropigmentation treatments are usually broken down into 3 stages.

Stage 1: Consultation (Free)

During the consultation stage, we establish whether you are eligible for the treatment, outline the process ahead and give you an accurate quote in line with your circumstances.

Stage 2: Treatment sessions

The majority of clients often require 3 sessions, but sometimes 4. Over these sessions, we layer the impressions to create natural results.

Stage 3: Aftercare

After your final treatment, we will guide you on how you should be maintaining your SMP in the following 30 days and beyond. Aftercare is essential to the longevity of your treatment.

Who qualifies for SMP?

Anyone can qualify for a hair tattoo, although they must be aware of the limitations.

Since you are getting a tattoo on your scalp you may be limited to future styles. If you get scalp micropigmentation for male pattern baldness you must keep the hair short to keep the optimal effects.

Preparation and aftercare

In your consultation session, a specialist will usually give you advice and directions to prepare leading up to your first treatment session.

As for aftercare, we have a complete guide you can read but the key pointers are:

  • Moisturise daily
  • Avoid excessively sweating
  • Keep your head dry as much as possible
  • Try not to rub your scalp of treated areas (use a dabbing motion)

How long does it take to see results?

Unlike a hair transplant procedure (18 months on average), your results are visible straight after the first session. Although this is not the finished look, it is majorly faster than alternative treatments and following aftercare guidelines for lasting results is essential.

How long does scalp micropigmentation last?

Since it is a hair tattoo, SMP will last a lifetime. However, like all tattooing methods, touchups can be necessary in order to maintain optimum results. Reduce direct sunlight to the head and scalp for better results. Also, the quality of your aftercare will help the longevity of your treatment.

Does SMP damage hair follicles?

Scalp micropigmentation treatment does not damage the hair follicles nor induce hair loss. The procedure is purely cosmetic and the impressions mix with your existing hair follicles for increased density or a different shape. It is important to note that SMP does not stimulate hair growth either.

More frequently asked questions

We understand you may have a few questions about Scalp micropigmentation, so below are frequently asked questions. If we don't cover it, we are always more than happy to answer any questions by contacting us.

How much does scalp micropigmentation cost?

The cost varies across scalp micropigmentation clinics, but that isn't what you want to hear, is it? Our cost estimates range from £900 to £3000 depending on the treatment. For a more detailed answer, read our SMP pricing guide.

Is scalp micropigmentation a good idea?

Yes! Of course, we are biased, but we come from personal experience and our clients will agree with us. We are transparent and know that whilst we are advocates of SMP, it is not for everyone as there may be better-suited options available for them. If you are looking for a 100% effective hair loss solution that you have full control over the outcome at a price that isn't damaging to your pocket - you're in the right place.

Can you grow your hair out with scalp micropigmentation?

This depends on the treatment. If you have thinning hair treatment, scar camouflage or alopecia treatment and the purpose of SMP is to fill in areas whilst having longer existing hair, then of course.

But if you are suffering from pattern baldness or a receding hairline, then we recommend you keep it as short as possible to the best look.

Does micropigmentation look natural?

Of course! A good SMP artist will make the natural hair follicles and ink impressions look seamless and have your family guessing what is real and what isn't. Many customers say their friends and family say they look younger and healthier after treatment, just a couple of the benefits of scalp micropigmentation.

On the other hand, poor SMP artists can create an unnatural look, therefore it is important you do your research when looking for a specialist. To avoid any regrets, we created a guide on how you can get the best possible experience on your journey.

Does micropigmentation look natural


Whether you suffer from hair problems or have an uneven hairline, a professional hair loss treatment may be needed to fix it. Scalp micropigmentation is a hair loss solution loved by many.

A very crucial part of finding a reputable specialist is reading the testimonials. Cover all aspects and find as many facts as possible by looking at all available options. Since this will be a life-changing treatment for you, it is important that it is done right.

If you have any questions about scalp micropigmentation at all, please send us an email and we would be more than happy to get back to you. If you are ready to kick start your hair loss journey and would like to get more information from a specialist then you can book a free consultation with us below.


Georgio Pegasiou – VisionaryScalps director

VisonaryScalps – Envision your future

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We offer free consultations so our customers feel no pressure. SMP is a big decision, let us help you with it.

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