
My Hair Is So Thin I Can See My Scalp - What Do I Do?

January 31, 2023
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Causes of thin hair

Who does not want lustrous and healthy hair follicles? But unfortunately, many people struggle with hair thinning and visible scalps. Hair shedding and thinning can be caused by various factors, ranging from stress or hormonal changes to suffering from female-pattern hair loss and male-pattern baldness.

No matter the cause, it is essential to understand the basics of a hair growth cycle and find ways to promote healthy hair growth.

If you have thin hair, you know the frustration that comes with it. Imagine looking in the mirror only to see your scalp showing through your locks. It’s an annoying issue; unfortunately, there isn’t a magic solution. But don’t worry; options are available to minimize their impact on your appearance.

Whatever treatment plan you choose to address your thin or thinning hair, it is possible to regain natural thickness if you commit yourself to a dedicated routine. This blog will provide different ways to deal with hair so you can start feeling confident about your hair again!

The Causes of Thin Hair

The causes of thin hair

Well, It’s important first to understand why some people experience thin or thinning hair. We always said that hair is made up of individual strands, but there’s more to it than that.

Each strand is connected to the scalp by a hair follicle, and when these follicles become weak or damaged, the strands will start to thin out.

Different types of hair loss conditions can cause thinning hair; these include:

Over-treating Your Hair

We live in an era where we find various products on marketplaces, and instead of relying on natural oils, we tend to buy many hair care products. This can lead to over-treating the scalp, eventually weakening follicles and thinning hair.

Alopecia Areata

This autoimmune disorder is another common cause of thinning hair or bald patches that can lead to severe cases of alopecia. In alopecia, the hair shaft becomes weak, and the hair falls out.

Hormonal Changes

Hormones play an important role in hair growth. If they become imbalanced due to stress, pregnancy, or menopause, the regular cycle of hair shedding and regrowth can be disrupted, resulting in thinning hair strands.

Experiencing Chronic Stress

Stress can also be a major contributor to thinning strands. When stressed, the body enters fight or flight mode’ and stops producing hormones essential for hair growth. This causes hair to shed more than usual and weaken existing strands resulting in thinning or no new growth.

Some Home Remedies To Help With Thin Hair

Hair remedies for thin hair

If you're looking for ways to improve the look and feel of your thin or thinning hair, you've come to the right place. Thinning hair can be a difficult problem to tackle, and understanding why it's happening is key to start taking steps towards healthy, voluminous locks.

Home remedies are always the first line of defense regarding hair health, and certain ingredients can help with thinning hair or scalp visibility. Here are some of the top home remedies for thinning hair:

Massage Your Scalp With Natural Oils

Natural oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, and castor oil contain powerful ingredients that can help nourish the hair follicles and scalp. Massaging your scalp with natural oils can help promote healthy blood circulation and strengthen hair strands, promoting hair growth.

Whether you are tired, stressed, or need some TLC, natural oil massage is the way. Not only does it make for a wonderfully relaxing experience, but it also helps improve blood circulation and soothes your senses.

Try avocados, coconut, olive, and almond oils for the best results, and don’t forget that wonderful scented aroma.

Use Hair Products With Vitamins

Hair products containing vitamins such as Biotin, Vitamin C and E, Iron, and Zinc are great for promoting hair growth. These vitamins help nourish the visible scalp and can help build up healthy hair follicles while relieving dryness or itching on the scalp.

Vitamin B12, in particular, is often used to treat thinning hair and promote new hair growth.

Eat Healthy Foods For Hair Growth

Eating foods high in protein, Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, and biotin can also help promote healthy hair growth and strengthen hair strands. Foods like fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, leafy greens, and beans are some of the best foods for healthy hair growth.

Additionally, avoiding processed foods, sugary snacks, and greasy or fried foods is key to preventing thinning hair.

Avoid Hair Washing Too Often

Washing your hair too often can strip away essential oils and nutrients from the scalp, weakening the hair follicles and leading to thinning strands. Avoid washing your hair 2-3 times a week, and use mild shampoo and conditioner.

Avoid Hair Styling Too Often

Styling your hair too often with heat can damage the strands and weaken the scalp, leading to thinning hair. Avoid using heated styling tools such as blow dryers and flat irons, and try air drying your hair as often as possible.

Also, avoiding tight ponytails or braids can help prevent scalp damage and keep the scalp healthy.

Take A Walk In Fresh Air To Avoid Stress

Stress can be one of the major causes of hair thinning and breakage. Walking in the fresh air, doing some yoga, or doing gentle stretching exercises can help you relax and reduce stress. Additionally, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption or caffeine can also help reduce stress.

Different Hair Treatments For Thinning Hair

Different Hair Treatments

If you are still struggling with thinning hair or scalp visibility, various treatments can help. You can also opt for different hair replacement systems, such as:

Scalp Micropigmentation SMP Hair Density

Scalp Micropigmentation SMP Hair Density
Scalp Micropigmentation SMP Hair Density

SMP hair density is a great option for anyone with fine hair. It's a revolutionary process that essentially 'tattoos' fine, Hairline-like lines on the scalp, giving it a look of fuller hair and diminishing the visibility of fine hair strands.

While results can look different depending on their severity of density, from person to person, the outcome of this procedure gives you long-lasting coverage. It can greatly decrease the visibility of fine hairs that often leave people feeling embarrassed or self-conscious.

It's a semi-permanent, non-surgical option, and the results can be seen within a few weeks. Like with any other procedure, it's important to consult a professional and ensure the process is done correctly.

Hair Fibers

Hair fibers are a great way to add volume and density to thinning hair. They come in various colours so you can match them to your hair colour, and they attach themselves to existing hairs to create an instantly thicker, fuller look.

The fibers are made from natural keratin and bind to the hair shaft with static electricity. They stay on all day until you wash them out, and most products are made to be sweat-resistant and water-resistant.

Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy is a relatively new treatment that uses low levels of light energy to stimulate the scalp and promote healthy hair follicle growth. It targets the cells in the scalp responsible for producing new hairs and helps reduce the shedding of existing hairs.

The results vary from person to person, but many have reported an increase in hair thickness, volume, and shine after just a few sessions. Many people also experience an increase in hair growth after multiple sessions, but it's important to note that the effects are not permanent.


Want to regrow hair without having to go under the knife? Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP as it is more commonly known, has been touted as the miracle hair regrowth treatment. The process starts with extracting a small amount of your blood and spinning it through a centrifuge that separates platelet-rich plasma.

This serum is applied directly to your scalp's problem areas, stimulating the regrowth of the thinned-out follicles. Results vary, but those who take it up often regain much of their previous follicular visibility.

It's an effective approach for regrowing lost locks that voids all the hassle associated with more invasive treatments making it a popular choice worldwide.


Hair transplantation might be the answer if you want a more permanent solution to your thinning hair dilemma. This procedure involves taking small bald spots and transplanting them with healthy hair follicles from another area of the scalp.

The transplanted hairs should start to grow after a few months and give you the look of a fuller head of hair. It's important to note that this procedure does require some recovery time, and there can be some discomfort associated with it, but in the long run, it could give you the results you are looking for.

Hair Loss Prevention Tips

No matter which treatment you choose, it's important to take preventive steps that can help keep the problem from returning. These include:

Eat A Healthy And Balanced Diet

Taking the first step to preventing hair loss is easy; create a diet that takes care of your hair from the inside out! A healthy, balanced diet ensures you get all the nutrients necessary for optimal hair growth.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help provide the vitamins and minerals your hair needs to stay strong and vibrant.

Consider incorporating foods like eggs, avocados, flaxseed, salmon, nuts, and broccoli for good-for-your-hair snacks. Who knows, your locks may thank you for it.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the worst offenders regarding hair loss prevention, as smoking has been scientifically proven to cause premature balding.

Although the amount of time it takes for hair loss to begin due to smoking varies from person to person, why not err on the side of caution and give your follicles a well-deserved break? If you do smoke, why not try cutting back or quitting altogether? While it may sound difficult in theory, trust me, with motivation and determination, it can be done.

Try To Reduce Stress

The best advice for keeping your hair on top is to reduce physical and mental stress. We all have times when the tensions of daily life pile up and we feel overwhelmed, but finding ways to manage stress could be the difference between a head full of hair or balding.

Exercise can be an excellent way to reduce mental stress, as can taking time out to relax in nature or do something fun.

And for physical stress, try switching up your hairstyle now and again or learn how to take better care of your scalp and tresses, so they receive the nourishment they need. It's worth the effort; after all, healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp.

Choose Hair Care Products Wisely

Choosing your hair care products wisely is important if you're suffering from thinning hair. You must use products specifically formulated for thin or thinning hair, as the wrong product could worsen the problem by clogging up your follicles and weighing down your strands.

Look for products that contain natural oils and minerals, such as jojoba oil, argan oil, coconut oil, and biotin. These ingredients help to nourish your scalp and promote healthy hair growth.

Additionally, it’s important to avoid products with sulfates or parabens that can strip away the natural oils in your hair and leave it dry and brittle.


No matter which treatment you choose, remember that consistency is key. Don't expect overnight results or a miracle solution; it takes time and patience to see results. SMP hair density is one of the hot new treatments for thinning hair.

However, other options are available. Ultimately, the best solution is to find a combination of treatments to get the most out of your hair loss prevention journey. You can discuss hair treatment professionals to find the best solution for you.

Visionary Scalp is the trusted leader in SMP hair density treatment and have helped our clients regain their confidence, just take a look at our reviews. So, don’t let hair loss keep you from feeling your best; embrace the power of prevention and start on your journey to a more confident future.

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We offer free consultations so our customers feel no pressure. SMP is a big decision, let us help you with it.

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